We’ve been doing morning workouts at 730am every Monday- to help increase productivity and focus for the week while in self-isolation.

Todays workout was amazing!!! Led by @Tft_Fitness.

Best way to start the day.

Details Below


-Squat then push knees over toes with elbows

#1- Squat, crawl out into a low lunge then reach your arm up to the sky (x5 each side)

#2-Sit with your feet flat on the floor so your knees are bent + placed hip width apart- then windshield wiper the knees back and forth (x5 each side)

#3-Come into a tabletop form, take the knees out wide then sit back (draw your tailbone towards your heels)

Warm the Upper Body:

Start in bear crawl position (knees under hips + hovering one inch above the floor, wrists underneath shoulders— tap shoulders (x10 each arm)

Circuit 1: Complete 3 rounds x3

*- Split Lunge to Raised knee drive (x10 each side, option to hold dumbbells)

*- Split Lunge Alternate (x5 on each side)

*- Glute Bridges- Drive your hips up + Lift left leg up, engage core and lift (x30 sec hold each side)

Circuit 2: Complete 3 rounds x3

*- Push ups to Squat backs (x10)

*- Bear position with knee hover: Put band just above the knee and left leg up to the side (x10 each leg)

*-RDL Rows with leg extension- Row with Right arm, balance on Left Leg + SWITCH (x10 each leg)

Abs Finisher:

*-Hold Dumbbell above head, engage core, lower one leg to the floor at a time (x10 each leg)

*-Plank with forward arm tap (x10 each arm)

