The REAL AGE of Aquarius!


By Corina Crysler




As I sit in isolation with my dog and watch the spread of a virus penetrate us on a global level, I am reminded of how we are so closely connected. Regardless of distance, race, gender, or social demographics, we are all in this together.


As a transformational astrologer I look for opportunities of change, not necessarily the prediction of our future. Yes- it is nice to know when you will make money or meet the love of your life, but my Scorpio/ Uranian moon seeks information for true change and growth. 


What is needed for transformation to occur? For the most part, it’s awareness.


Tapping into the interconnection of Pluto and Saturn over the last year has been my focus. Not only for my clients on a personal level but what this could mean on a global level.


Currently, this is what Pluto represents:

Pluto- The Transformer

Pluto rules Scorpio. Many astrologers look to Pluto as the planet that brings up “dirty” and “dark” things (due to the nature of the Scorpio energy).

I look at this completely differently. 

Darkness is not devoid of light, rather a concentration of source energy. It holds all the information that you are seeking and can ignite the transformation process with the right container. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Kidneys hold this energy which processes fear and holds the universe inside of us.  That “inner knowing” you feel comes from this place- but most of the time we are too afraid to go there as it holds uncertainty, shadows and the truth.

Pluto asks us to look at our fears to open our hearts. It provokes creation energy but also the energy of destruction. But really, we need both to transform

In order to begin something new, something must die. The reason we think it brings up negative and “dark and dirty” things is because they must come to the surface in order for change to happen. It’s a part of the process. Pluto (the Transformer) has the power to do this.  (We can actually see its work in the emergence of some very serious crimes in humanity from the last 2-3 years).

So- what is happening right now?

Pluto, the ultimate transformer, has been in alignment with Saturn. 


What does that mean?


Saturn is the planet of structure, rules, and how things operate; it’s the infrastructure on which our lives sit.

For example: Think of our government. It has sat in Capricorn (Saturn’s ruler) which has given Saturn some extra power. 

The downside to this?

Saturn can typically put up walls or barriers to “keep us safe”- but as a result this can also keep us small. 

These walls and barriers are embedded in our subconscious and have serious implications as to how we live and make decisions. This is essentially what is happening right now for our planet.

(My work typically focuses on how to break down these old walls that don’t work anymore). 


So what can we do?


It’s time to assess how our infrastructure has been operating for decades and look at what can be changed.

For example, Patriarchy has created segregation and misguided use of power. 

Processes are corrupt. 

We are killing our planet.

The way we coexist is disconnected.

Our priorities start with our smartphone. 


It all needs to change.

Amidst a global crisis we are forced to look at these things. 

Everyone is being affected by this one way or another. 


Pluto is creating this transformation and deeply addressing the wound that is among the collective.  It’s like dropping a bomb on the crappy house we have built in order for us to rebuild a stronger one- and with more wisdom of how to build a house.  


 Saturn in Aquarius.

 Saturn rules structure and has a lot of karma attached to it; but I also view it as the "bridge" that brings the outer and inner planets together. 

The outer planets move slowly and are harder to bring into your reality, but they hold the key to unlocking many subconscious patterns. 

Pluto is the transformer and works closely with “Chiron”, your wound. 


What does this mean?

 Use this time to shift your perspective on the foundation you have created for yourself.


For the last 2.5 years, Saturn has been in it’s beloved Capricorn, which rules structure, rules, authority, and ambition. On Sunday it will move into Aquarius. 

The energies could not be more different. 

Aquarius is about the collective. It is about the visionaries and predicts what we need to do for our future; it is inventive and super intelligent. It has zero patience for rules that don’t make any sense and will not tolerate suffering. 


It is the energy and awareness of how we need to rebuild.

The opportunity is to build a new structure with the collective in mind:

Equality. Kindness. Intelligent advancement for our planet.


On a personal level ask yourself: What walls (Saturn) have you put up to keep yourself safe? 

 Ask Pluto to show you the path of transformation that will move you into your personal power. 

 Where is the wound and what is needed for healing now, personally and globally?


Jupiter in the mix

The blessing in all of this is that Jupiter is right behind Pluto and Saturn, bringing us wisdom, abundance and expansion; But we must do the work. 


In all the fear, I invite you to use the energy to let go of old patterns to allow new ones to form. 

 If you lead with authenticity and from your heart space, the shift can create massive changes for the greater good of yourself and also for the collective. 


We need to think bigger and beyond ourselves. 

 The way to work with the collective consciousness is to start with you. 

 I invite you to consider every thought, word, action and intention as part of a collective energy that we are all tapped into.


If we start with changing our own mindset and actions, it will have an effect globally. 


When someone says to me, I am just one person, what can I really do?

My response is, David Bowie was one person and look what he did.



Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter are so closely working together that they will be going into retrograde around the same time as well. All planets are influenced differently by retrogrades, but they will begin with Pluto at the end of April and not go direct again until mid-September. 

Retrogrades ask us to go back to things with current information to move forward. This may be a time to tie up loose ends and revisit old patterns that keep our walls up that are ruled by fear. 

Therefore, this is really when we do the work.


What does this all mean?

It means it’s time for us to really do better. 

We are being given the opportunity to change. 

We need to change for ourselves, change for the planet and change how we treat each other. 


Opportunities for change:

Instead of swiping left or right, try saying hi to someone instead

Put the phone down when you share a meal with someone

Ask about where your food and products come from 

Look closely at how you treat the animals on your plate that you then consume as an energy source

Re-evaluate what you think you are entitled to rather than working for it

Change your attitude around common kindness (no one should be sitting behind a computer screen bashing others)

As a Canadian, I feel extremely fortunate.

We live in a beautiful country full of resources we often typically take for granted. We have space, trees, mountains and tons of land we could be growing our own food on. 

Perhaps we can reframe our outlook on our “essentials” and discover what really makes us happy and come together in community.


As someone who works closely with people’s pain and helps them turn their pain into purpose,

I can assure you that what we currently think is important, really isn’t.

Most people want to be seen and validated for who they are.

They want love.

This is essentially the essence of being in the Age of Aquarius: Living in authenticity and purpose.

My prediction is the more we do this, the faster we get out of this.

Fuck the fear and find the alignment your soul is craving.


It’s time for my beautiful Aquarians to stand up (both sun and rising). 

It’s time for all the lightworkers and healers to come together to heal this collective wound we have created.

The cosmos is transpiring for change.

With courage + moving out of ego and into the collective consciousness we can create a stronger structure for humankind to sit on. It all starts with your attitude, behaviour and the inspired action you put around it.


Create the intention today of what is important to you in moving forward. This is the opportunity.

Intention + inspired action = manifestation

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